It's been a very hot summer. I snicker to myself when my family in Canada talks about it being hot at home. Yes, it might be "hot" at times there, but it's not the heavy, choking, disgusting hot that it is here. And it's not hot around the clock there. Anyway, if I were without a baby, I would be quite content to stay in all day long with the a/c running. But since that's not the case, I have to suck it up a lot of the times when she wants to "Go, go, go!" These days she has a renewed interest in the baby carrier and often drags it from its hiding spot, says "back" while pointing to her shoulder, and she won't back down from there. Honestly, we could do ads for Pognae. Pognae....more on that later.

Today she got her wish and I put her on my back and lugged her all the way to Hyewha for lunch at Wild Wasabi with friends visiting from Canada. L is an elementary school teacher in Canada, but she met and married her husband, DB in Korea. They have two cute little girls. It was nice to meet with them since they have done what we're going through now: the paperwork, the move, the readjustment. They live in Calgary now, but they were lucky to get there just before the housing boom. They quite like living there.
We had nice sushi lunch. Sejin and I used to frequent Wild Wasabi a lot before we had Grace. All plates are 1000 won and it's good sushi. To get to the one in Hyehwa, go out exit 1, walk straight and it's above the Tom and Tom's Coffee on the second floor. Don't go on a weekend. Get there by 11:45. I took these photos back in May on our anniversary. Unfortunately, today I didn't get to eat a lot, as Grace was only interested in getting up and down from the chairs, dumping out water, and climbing all over me. Luckily she is pretty tired out now and is sleeping soundly. Maybe I should do the same.
awww man that looks good. do you think they have places like that here in daegu? must go on a quest!
Hi! THere's gotta be a place like this. Look near universities. Students demand good cheap food. Both Wild Wasabis that I know of are near big universities.
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