Monday, July 12, 2010

Knitting dreams and photos

I have a lot of dreams about knitting these days. It's kind of weird, and scary.

I finished one sleeve of my vintage cardigan and have started the other. It should be done soon, although, like I mentioned in the previous post, I need more yarn in order to complete it. I'm hoping the vendor has more yarn in this colour. If not.... I just don't know.

I've been wanting to get photos done of Grace for the longest time, but we just don't have the money to drop at a photo studio. It turns out, a friend of mine is coming to Korea to do fieldwork for her PhD and she happens to be an excellent photographer. Check out her website and some of her work. We met while studying Taekkyon together. Taekkyon is an ancient Korean martial art -- cooler than Taekwondo, in my opinion. It was almost wiped out during the Joseon Dynasty and the Japanese occupation, so it is harder to find a place to study it, but it's definitely worth it. Anyway, CedarBough's photographs that I have seen are stunning, so I'm pretty excited to get some photos taken -- finally!

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