So there it is. I'll take pictures for sure after I'm finished decorating. Decorating probably won't consist of too much. Probably jsut some drapes, but it'll be exciting to move in nonetheless.
In other news...not much. Been keeping busy with moving plans mostly, like ordering a few new pieces of furniture, the most exciting of which is bed. Now that I think of it, it's pretty amazing that I've lived here for over five years without a bed or a bathtub.
Last Saturday night, Meg, Shelley, and I were paid guests at a wedding. We were each paid $50 to pretend to be friends of the groom so he could appear to be more worldly and have more friends. He actually hired a movie director to direct his wedding. Kind of sad, but we got a nice steak and a bit of cash out of it! Here's us after working hard at the wedding:
Oh yes, most importantly, another WIP...An Inspired Lace Scarf, a pattern I found on Ravelry. I think I'm going to keep this scarf for myself, although I originally intended to give it to Meg for her birthday. I think she would like another colour better, so I'm viewing this one as the practice run. So far, so good! It's an easy pattern, pretty, and it crochets up really quickly.
I was reunited with Boyd, the poodle I bought in Korea a few years back. I don't think he remembered me. But he looks really smart in his new Burberry outfit.
Me and Tom, my eight-year-old nephew.
So those are some highlights.
So now I'm back to work, slaving away on the elementary books. I'm trying to pick up the pace a little bit so I can finish the whole series before my contract is done. The office is very quiet these days, but the atmosphere is good and I'm very productive lately.
In my knitting life, something very exciting happened....I'm finally on Ravelry! I was on the waiting list for over two months and I thought I'd never get on, but one magical day I got my invitation...and it happened to be when I was on vacation, so it couldn't have been better timing. I was able to waste several hours getting my "notebook" all ready without feeling guilty. Not much else is new in my knitting life. I'm really trying to discipline myself to finish projects that have been sitting around for months, or even years! Last night I got out the hideous purple sweater....one more sleeve left to go before it's out of my sight and in my closet!
I did start one more project, which I really shouldn't have done, but I was home and just bought three pounds of soft yarn perfect for a cozy afghan. I'm making up the pattern myself, so it could be trouble, so we'll see how it goes. I call it the Cable and Trellis Afghan.
I'm knitting it in panels so I don't go nuts carrying around a huge blanket. I hope this one works out. I've brought my other afghan, the "knit granny square afghan" to work because I figure if it's there, then I'll knit it, and sooner or later it'll get done.
So that's where we're at. I had lunch today at "Santorini" in Itaewon for my friend, Shelley's, birthday. In the past it wasn't too bad, but today the only decent Greek restaurant in Seoul didn't have pita bread! So disappointing! Afterwards we went to my favorite bookstore and I traded in my old books and picked out some new ones. After an hour shopping at a market in Itaewon, I was ready to go home and get into my Hello Kitty PJs. Now I'm off to make some more progress on that hideous purple sweater!