Thursday, September 23, 2010

It just rained

Yesterday was a really weird day here in Korea. It rained all day long. Of course you've experienced those days when it rains all day, with bouts of pouring with sprinkling in between. But yesterday -- no joke -- it rained torrentially from morning 'til night. The result was over 11 inches of rain. This is even more shocking when you remember that last month was supposedly the wettest August in one hundred years. I've certainly had my fill of rain for this year!

I lied. There was a brief time yesterday, some time around noon when it let up a wee bit and we jumped on the opportunity to take Grace out for a bit of a walk. Yes, it sounds crazy, but when she wants to go out, she really wants to go out. She will make you suffer if you don't take her. We were out for about 20 minutes and it started coming down hard again, so we headed back indoors.

Hat tip to CedarBough for the link to this blog with tonnes of impressive photos of the rain in Seoul yesterday! Wow!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your writings. I'm a Canadian who lives in the southern part of Korea, married to a Korean and nearly 39 weeks pregnant. In the past few months I've had to face many challenges and your writings always helped me stay grounded through it. I felt less isolated and alone. I hope you continue writing your blog after your return to Ontario. Best wishes for a smooth transition back to Canada.

Sarah said...

Wow, I'm glad my ramblings here have actually helped someone. That makes me feel really good to know. Congratulations on your pregnancy! You know about the Expat Parents Forum, right? If not, register here: TONNES of support there. Lots of foreign moms (and a few dads) making a go of it in Korea.