Sunday, April 18, 2010

We're doing it!

Both Grace and I, I mean...

As for me, I'm being very disciplined with myself about my crafting. I have decided to finish up those works in progress that have been hibernating. So, I have been working on Crocus Doily here and there when Grace allows. I started it maybe two years ago and I cannot figure out why I decided to buy such thin thread. It must be size 20 or even 30. It's hard to work with. I'm on the home stretch now, and the results are going to be worth the eye strain, I think. It's really pretty.

Last night I was searching Ravelry for a nice summer shirt/dress to make Grace with some bright yellow cotton I bought at Dongdaemun. But then I remembered the blog post I made about knitting creatively and thought, why not? I did some googling and found a list of lace inserts and edgings from a book published in 1891. I'm currently working on a lace edging, which I want to go around the bottom of the tank/dress I'm going to make. Then I will pick up stitches around the edge and see what happens. It's not an easy lace pattern. I can't work on it when Grace is around because it requires a lot of concentration and even tension. I'm enjoying it so far and can't wait to post about the results of my first pattern.

By the way, yes, I'm behind in my writing, again. Mostly my fault. I plan to get some stuff done tonight after Grace goes to sleep.

As for Grace, she has a cold and has been in a bit of a grumpy mood this weekend, but I'm so happy to see her growing and learning every day. She has a growing vocabulary which includes bye-bye, baby, cracker, car, ball, no ... Well, those are the words I know for sure she is using. I suspect there are others, but she's still working on them so they sound more like babbling. It's really cute.

It's hard to believe that I had such a rough time last year because of her sleep patterns. Looking back, I can see clearly that it was partly my fault for not helping her break her habits earlier. Now she sleeps pretty well, unless she's sick. This morning she did something I never thought she would do. I told her to come and eat, but she protested and pointed back at her toys, so I let her go. She walked by her toys and picked up her bear and took him with her to the bedroom and asked to be picked up and put in her crib. She asked for her nap.

Now, if you would have told me last year that this would ever happen, I would have laughed out loud. Everything everyone told me was true -- it does get easier!

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