Anyway, I'm on row 21 of 25 on Crocus Doily. At this point, each row takes quite a bit of time to finish. I hope to be done this next week. Won't be doing this one again, though.
The lace edging is also slow going (perhaps life for women was slow going back in 1891?). I thought since it's a narrow edging, it would be faster to knit. That's really not the case. Every row in this pattern is very different, and nearly impossible to memorize. I've never done any knitting like this before. It's pretty unique, I think...I got done a bit of work while Grace was in daycare, but not as much as I wanted to. Isn't that always the case?
I don't have the distractions you do -- all my kids have four paws -- but lace knitting requires a certain amount of concentration that I don't always achieve. Too much going on!
That edging is very cool!
It does require a lot of concentration. I can only do it after the child is in bed, no TV or computer on. But it is strangely addictive, seeing the lovely patterns emerge.
And thanks, Helena. The edging is pretty, but slower to knit up than I thought it would be >_<
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