Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Expat Parents in Korea

The forum is up and getting off to a great start. I really hope this helps people stay connected beyond the EMCK blogger blog. The thing I like most about this forum is that it is private. Of course there are other Korea forums out there for parents to connect on, but they are open to the whole internet. Users have to register and be approved for this one and I am going to closely monitor the interaction to make sure people play nice! I think it's going to be great though.

I got some work today! Met with a former coworker today at her office in Gongdeok. She now works for one of the biggest education publishers in Korea. Seems I have something to do now rather than surf the internet in the evenings! yeah!


Anonymous said...

How come when I come to your site, my IE crashes? What did you do to your site? It started to happen not too long ago.

Sarah said...

Crap, I'm sorry. I have no idea. I haven't done anything special to the site...

I'll do a virus check tonight. Thanks for the heads up.

Sarah said...

One viurs found and cured. Hope everything is fixed now!