Wednesday, October 6, 2010

New confidence

I've been very self-absorbed these days, not hanging out with anyone. If I do have free time, I just feel like being by myself so I can be with my thoughts. I feel weird, like my life is on the brink of a major change. Change is definitely coming, but it may be bigger than I had anticipated. I'm also feeling very confident. In the spring and early summer, I was really beating myself up about time and opportunities wasted. It's just recently that I realized that I'm only 30 and I have many talents and abilities that can be used to secure me a comfortable and enjoyable future. Also, Grace is getting older and therefore it's a bit easier for me to think about things like working, starting a business, taking classes, etc. I actually feel like learning again. It's great.

Sejin and I have a date tomorrow morning to see how his end of the application work is coming. Of course, the damned applications are taking longer than I thought they would. No surprise there. But at least they're getting done.

I'm still obsessed with my camera. Can't wait for the flash seminar on Saturday. Here is a little crocheted thing-a-ma-bob I made about a month ago. I stiffened it with glue. I might stick in on a cell phone charm clasp.


Becky said...

You got me itching to try hubby's Canon instead of my point and shoot. I just didn't think I had the patience to learn but I'm loving what you are doing.

Also Sarah, you've inspired me to take up knitting again. It's been since the kids were little but I signed up today for a three week class on socks. Can't wait!

Sarah said...

It's really not that hard when you just take an afternoon and read up on the terminology. After that, it seems to be trial and error.

Yay for knitting! Great time of year to start knitting a pair of cozy socks, too!

Why am I here??? said...

Keep truckin' on the paperwork! I know how it feels!


You were always more positive about it than me. It was a slow torturous death for us. We finished it all in about 2 months from start to finish AFTER I read the information book 4 or 5 times from front to back!