Yet again, I post about Grace because she is now the centre of my attention. I feel a bit like a hermit these days, but I'm actually having fun staying in and taking care of her. It's too cold to take her out anyway.

We had to take her to the hospital on Monday for another blood test. The test they did right after birth came back a bit strange on the thyroid levels. They mentioned hyperthyroidism.... I'm trying not to get too worried about it just yet. Results are in Thursday morning, so I'll deal with that then. But it was nice to get her weighed and see that she has gained about 10 ounces already (300 grams). She definitely eats enough, so I'm glad that's not a worry. It's great to see her get fatter and fatter.

Getting ready to take her to the hospital:

I feel a bit out of the loop these days not being online as much and not keeping up with the world in general, but as I said, I'm enjoying it. Friends have been dropping by here and there, which I really appreciate.

Sad news: Toto has to go away for a while. Her behavior is not an issue. In fact, she's perfect around the baby. She doesn't bother with her much at all. A couple of time she came over and sniffed her and gave her a little kitty head rub. The problem is ventilation in these Korean apartments. There are no vents or air ducts. And to prevent Toto from coming in and sleeping with us, I have to close the bedroom door at night. But that puts us in an air tight concrete box for the night. It's not good for breathing or air quality. Luckily, one of my good friends is going to come to get her tomorrow. Her boyfriend babysat Toto before, so they know her well. They're going to keep her for a while until I decide what to do. It's so strange that all along I was worried about the cat's behavior around the baby, and it turns out the apartment setup is the problem. Poor, poor Toto...
Aww poor Toto! I never thought of that either.
Keep the posts of lovely Grace coming; it's wonderful to see her and to hear that you are doing well too! I'm not sure what else to say since I have little to no baby knowledge .... (ha?)....
Take care, thinking warm thoughts for you so that you can head out of the house for bit to show Grace off to Seoul.
So nice to see more Grace. Don't expect to post about much else! People like to see pictures.
It is super snowy here and very cold!
Evry1 I know keeps saying to njoy this time when they are so lil...Seoul and the www will be there tomorrow ;-)
Love the pics and vids!
Grace has such long elegant fingers! :O)
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