Grace is sleeping now, so I'm posting a few pictures. As the days go by, it's slowly getting easier to take care of her, although I probably won't be on anything resembling a routine for at least a couple more weeks. She eats every two hours (or more) so I'm kept pretty busy. Although I'm hesitant to say this so soon, she seems like a good baby.
All babies are good babies! Your swaddling technique is impressive. We are going to have great fun this summer sewing little dresses. I will try to pick up some patterns before I come back, we'll get the fabric at Dongdaemun and have a sewing party at my house!
mama seoul: I learned the swaddle from the video "Happiest Baby On the Block." It's called "dudu" (down up down up). It works!
wevegotseoul: kind of grayish eyes, but I think most asian babies start out with eyes like this and then they change to brown. Feeling pretty good, actually. Healing up and becoming more confident that I can take care of Grace!
All babies are good babies! Your swaddling technique is impressive. We are going to have great fun this summer sewing little dresses. I will try to pick up some patterns before I come back, we'll get the fabric at Dongdaemun and have a sewing party at my house!
This post is timely:
She is such a sweetie pie! Are her eyes blue? They almost seem to be in that one picture but maybe not. How are you feeling?
mama seoul: I learned the swaddle from the video "Happiest Baby On the Block." It's called "dudu" (down up down up). It works!
wevegotseoul: kind of grayish eyes, but I think most asian babies start out with eyes like this and then they change to brown. Feeling pretty good, actually. Healing up and becoming more confident that I can take care of Grace!
Amazing Grace! She is a beauty! I'm so glad everyone went well. I was worried about you while we were in the States.
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