Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Yay Grace!

I'm happy to report that Grace's sleep has really improved this last month. She sleeps for 5-6 hour stretches on average (she slept a 10 hour stretch the other night), and I'm sure she will continue to improve. Not only is this good for me, but I've noticed that she seems better off, too. She is in a better mood and can stay up longer in the mornings. She used to need to go down for a nap very soon after getting up, but now she can go about a 3 1/2 hour stretch 'til that morning nap. This is really good. I'm so relieved. I hope this is the end of really boring blog posts about sleep.

You'd think that with Grace sleeping so much better, I'd be getting better sleep. But it isn't so. My body is very used to sleeping light and waking up every couple of hours. Sometimes it takes me a long time to get to sleep because I'm subconsciously waiting for her to wake up. Then when I fall asleep, I sometimes wake up for no reason. I'm pretty confident that I'll get over this though. It's just been so long since I slept well -- I have to relearn how to sleep. Who would've thought?

Although I'm still a bit on the tired side, I'm happy about Grace's improvements and am feeling good in general. I'm starting to feel the desire to take back just a teensy weensy bit of my life. Grace will always have 95% of my focus, but I've been feeling the itch to do things like dry and style my hair, exercise, have a coffee out, stuff like that. I think this is actually a good sign that I'm adjusting to motherhood.

I can't believe October is almost done. Time is really flying, just like people told me it would. Grace will be 10 months


Mama Seoul said...

So cute! We need to make hair clips and bows when you get back. Grace definitely has enough hair and Eva's hair is starting to come in.

You need to start planning her Tdol Party, only 2 months away!

MommyCha said...

Yay Grace and Yay Sarah!
Hope you get some more sleep and "me" time. We're looking forward to seeing you guys soon, as fast as time flies it seems like you have been in Canada FOREVER!!
^.^ 1st birthday coming up, what are you going to do? Karen is right, the planning starts NOW! Hehehe..

Alfee said...

Wow, shes growing up so fast. Yay for sleeping better too. Now for mommy sleep training!!

It definately makes you a better mom when you have time to take care of yourself. Keep enjoying your trip, cant wait for you to get back!

Anonymous said...

Your heading says it all - Yay Grace. I LOVE that photo of her!! Enjoy your sleep -- you deserve it!!
10 months ... wow. Seems like just yesterday I was reading on the old blog about Grace's birth. It is amazing how time flies.

HLee said...

hey your kid looks good now. :)

San said...

Wow! So cute! She has grown up! Am seein her pic after a long time! Good tat she is sleeping better now...!

Lolimahro said...

It's so great to hear the sleeping has improved! Dexter's began to improve at about the same age. He has been sleeping all the way through the night for about 2+ months now. He is still a restless sleeper, waking up from little nightmares and so forth.

Good luck on your trip home, which I understand is happening very soon!