Friday, July 1, 2011

Breaking down

Both me and everything in my house. Last night I slept a grand total of 2 hours...from 7am-9am. I have so much on my mind that it is preventing me from sleeping. At around 6am this morning I decided that something has to give -- I cannot possibly crank out nearly 200 pages of workbook material for P publisher and a student book for D publisher, plus pack up my apartment, tend to last minute things, see friends, etc, in 20 days. Not physically possible. So I emailed D publisher and apologized and recommended a friend. I felt relieved enough to sleep for two hours. When I got up, I had received an email back saying basically 'No, you can do it! We can do it together!' It's nice that they want to work with me, but they don't seem to understand that I cannot clone myself to get to the work done. (Side note: I originally turned down this contract because I knew I would be too busy at this time, but received several emails begging me to accept. Lesson learned: obey your first instincts. I'm so easy pressured into things.)

Anyway, I got up, had a bite of pastry that husband had picked up at a local bakery and got a long dark hair in my mouth (definitely not mine or SJs...long, dark, Asian, probably female). That was nice. Opened the freezer to find that everything is thawed out -- chicken, pork, shrimp, all the soups I had separated and froze. Freezer's broken. It seems things have been breaking down all the time around here. Our lamp is making really weird noises, our oven doesn't work propery, and Grace broke her bedroom lamp/nightlight. I'm really trying hard not to buy much before we go. Freezer guy is coming tomorrow, and I really hope I don't have to pay much for 20 days more worth of usage.

So it's been a bit of a rough week as I realized I have waaaay more to do than I thought I did. I'm waiting for a reply back from D publisher since I emailed her again and explained that this project probably won't work out. Usually she is very prompt, so I bet she is discussing the matter with her boss to see about moving the deadlines.

Just received email back as I was typing this, and I was right, she was talking with her boss, and they have agreed to delay the deadline by a month. This might be for the best, as the paycheck might be very welcome come fall.

So that's all with me. I'm feeling stressed and sluggish from not sleeping well. I'm upset with P publisher for dragging this project out so long, but I must buckle down and finish it, hopefully within a week and a half.

Also important to me is seeing my friends before I leave Korea, which is proving more difficult than I thought. Everyone has busy schedules, most not quite as flexible as mine. I hope to see some people this week between writing.

Grace has been very happy since recovering from her illness. She was excited to go to daycare today to celebrate two of her friends' birthdays. She has been very well-behaved in general these days (in contrast to about a month ago). It seems everything comes and goes in phases with children.

Happy Canada Day!


jooliyah said...

i hope things are going more smoothly for you this weekend. i'm glad that grace is feeling better. you must be quite excited though about your move. it's not fun to get there, but once your there i'm sure it'll pay off.

i'm wondering if you can share about your line of work here in korea. if you don't mind sharing about it with me, my email is =) i'm really interested to hear about it. thanks!

CedarBough said...

packing up a whole life for you, Grace and everything of Sejin's that can go now must be incredibly tough. My heart goes out to you!

Sarah said...

Thanks CedarBough. It is tough, but hopefully it will be a good change for us.

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah, cheer up!!! I know how moving to another country is not fun, did it last year (Korea to China!) You're really good to find time to blog in all this!
Where are you moving to in Canada? I might have a good friend of mine you could enjoy hanging out with (Canadian married to a K man, with a 6 month old boy.)

Helena said...

Best of luck!

CedarBough said...

I'm putting this here so you don't lose it. my mom's blog with her quilts. She's not much of a photographer, but the quilts are often good! Check it out after you're settled into CA