I'm glad I didn't opt for the formula. Who knows what'll happen down the road, but I read that the first 3 months are the most important for building up baby's immune system. So now I'm just left with one more task... Trying to find some kind of routine that works for us. I scrapped the other one when the growth spurt came on. It was impossible to stick to given her demands. But now that things are becoming normal again, I have to find a realistic schedule for us to stick to (loosely of course). I should also take note of how her behavior has changed. I noticed that today she was awake and alert more than usual, so I can't expect her to nap as often as she did a couple of weeks ago.
One thing that I have found challenging that I really didn't expect is keeping her occupied and entertained. I mean, how much can you do with a 6-week-old? She's not interested in toys, although I see her eyeing them once in a while and she likes the rattle on her play mat. Toys don't last long. I sometimes read her books, but that really depends on her mood. Sometimes she'll glance at the pictures, but sometimes no response while she stares at the wall. Right now she seems to be interested in my face, which is great, but that interest lasts around 5 minutes until she remembers I'm the one who feeds her. Then she'll do the tongue thing, even if she's not hungry. Strangely, Sejin seems to be a good soother and entertainer because she doesn't equate him with food. Anyway, this isn't really a huge problem, just something I've noticed. I'm sure as the days go by it will get easier as she wants to interact with me and her surroundings more.
One thing she's been doing a lot of lately is smiling, which is fantastic.... let's me know I'm doing something right...