Still planning the trip -- can't believe we're leaving in less than two weeks and I have very little planned! Oh well, it will fall together. Can't wait to get away for a while. Sejin has a new job at ING insurance all lined up for when we get back. Here's a pic of Sejin and his new manager's baby. I hope to see a lot more of little Wonjoon.
And a final funny pic from last weekend's shopping trip to Dongdaemun. These poor Koreans don't know what the heck their shirts say!
Where are you guys heading to?
So you broke down and got yourself a blog, eh? Well, I hope you're more faithful to yours than I am to mine. And by the by, let me know if you need me to come along and find Ephesus on a map for you - on your dime, of course.
Oh, and congrats to Sejin on the new job.
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