So, Sejin and I are settling in well. The place is coming together and slowly becoming more and more cozy. Sleeping on a bed has been wonderful. Getting a kitchen island was the best decision I ever made. I ordered curtains for the living room yesterday. I get to pick those up next weekend = exciting! Toto is settling in well, too.
While I was so busy preparing for the move and after we moved in, I was very busy. Work was busy. I got calls to do several TV shows...had several auditions and failed them -- well, got one, but then it was cancelled. I ended up doing "Sponge," which was a lot of fun because I really like that show. I used to edit the subtitles for it when I worked at Furmo and it was one of the few shows I enjoyed, so it was great to be on it! I played a nurse to the doctor who gave the first lobotomies. It was just a small part, but it's been on several times so far. While chatting with Miae on messenger today, she said, "I think I saw you on TV...were you a nurse?"
I shot another popular Korea show (위기탈출 넘버원) last Wednesday which I don't know the English name for. It was a major part, so I'm in much of the program. The money was crap, but I just did it for the experience because I've never had a role that big. I learned a valuable lesson that day. Korean PDs will always try to fit in multiple days of work into one day. We shot for 17 hours, most of which was outside in sub zero temperatures (there was snow on the ground!) and I was without a jacket for some of it, even laying on the road! At 1:30 a.m. I decided enough was enough. They didn't even give us a proper dinner -- not even drinks...So I threatened to leave the set unless it wrapped up FAST. So it ended on a bad note, but I'm glad I did it and I'm looking forward to seeing myself playing this part.
So, because I've been taking days here and there off of work to do these TV jobs, I'm so behind in my work! I've spent all of today working from home, trying to catch up. I figure by Tuesday I'll be back on track. I'm going to have to be a little more picky about the jobs I take on.
Oh, yes, my Total Tote knitting bag arrived on Friday! I'm really excited. It's a nice bag with tonnes of little compartments for my DPNs, stitch holders, measuring tape, scissors, buttons, etc. Maybe it's just exciting for me, but anyway...